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Preview: Ultimate Spider-Man #118

January 10th, 2008

Ultimate Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends

Spider-Man is the quintessential lone hero, but when he finds himself in a situation where he’s way out his league, Spidey’s going to need a little help from his friends… his amazing friends, that is!

That’s right, Iceman from the world-famous mutant team X-Men and the Ultimate version of Firestar (making her debut in this story) lend Spider-Man a helping hand in Ultimate Spider-Man #118. But is Firestar a new character — or a face that we’ve seen before in the Ultimate Universe?

But those aren’t Peter’s only superhero friends, as Johnny Storm, the hot-headed young member of the Fantastic Four, pays Spidey a visit – and ends up pursuing Mary Jane’s friend Liz Allen!

The highly-acclaimed dream team of Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen kick off the first part of a new Ultimate Spider-Man story in issue #118, entitled (what else?) “Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.”

Pencils & Cover by STUART IMMONEN
Rated A…$2.99
FOC—1/10/08, On-Sale—1/30/08

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